For me aggregators are a real blessing and I'm very happy to have learnt about them. I came across RSS feeds before, I also subscribed to them but I never really used them. Some time ago for example I got a brand-new laptop with Windows Vista software. It enables you to read news directly on your desktop, but I seldom look at the news displayed there. Don't get me wrong, I would like to but I know that if I started reading interesting news I would loose a lot of time. So, subscribing to news doesn't work for me.
Nevertheless, subscribing to pages that you have to visit daily is a very sensible thing to do. (Pages for instance, where important notices concerning your lessons are posted like schedule changes or class cancellations.) In fact, visiting blogs on a regular basis is very time consuming and stressful, especially if you have problems accessing Internet. This tool however makes everything more simple and quick and it helps you to be more efficient.
5 commenti:
Hey Eva! Thank you soooo much for your comment on my introductory post! You wrote such positive nice things to me!
I like your style, too! It's simple and pleasant to read.
I think you are one of the really few people who already knew what a feed aggregator was before coming to lesson! Compliments!
The feed aggregator is very useful, you're right. It lets us save time and have all the information together and well-organized. If you have difficulties in acceding the Internet or you have just a slow connection, I agree with you: it is a real blessing!
See you soon!
Hi Eva!
Thank you for your post...it is interesting to discover that you knew feed aggregators before the lesson! It makes me feel so ignorant!! I agree with you when you say that it is really useful and it lets people save time. Moreover, everything is more well-organized and I think that, nowadays, this is important, because our pc have always more information in them!
See you soon!
Hi Eva!
How are you?
Your posts are always effective and well-organized, and I enjoy reading them! Moreover, I like the way you write: you have a rich vocabulary and you write very fluent English. Good job!
In this post I appreciated that you wrote about your experience not only with Bloglines, but also with news feeds. I must admit it was very interesting to find out that you were familiar with feeds before starting e-tivity 4! As I could understand by reading the other comments, our peers had my reaction too. ;-)
Like many other students, I didn’t know the meaning of ‘feed’ when I started reading about e-tivity 4. I suppose you didn’t find many difficulties using Bloglines. Anyway, I read that you didn’t appreciate feeds before, maybe because you didn’t have a specific aim when you read news, because you read them in your spare time. As you pointed out, now you can appreciate feeds and aggregators because they can save you a lot of time and effort for your course blog and e-tivities. You wrote ‘this tool helps you to be more efficient’, and I totally agree with you! We have to learn these new technologies and we don’t have to be worried about them. They can just help us improving our work!
See you soon!
Hey Eva!
How r u doing?!
Sorry my computer hasn't been working for a while..anyway, the only reason why I can't come to the lab is that I've got another lesson..but I really hope I'll start coming to the lab soon, 'cause there are a couple of things I really don't understand!
See u there then!!!
...by the way..what do you think about the Erasmus life in padova?!
see ya!
Hey Vale!
Erasmus life in Padua? Well, I don't take part in Erasmus activities very much. Whether because they are always ovrelapping with lessons or because I don't have time. Another thing is that I prefer meeting Italian people, because the main reason I came here for is to improve my Italian. I do have many Erasmus friends as well, because it would be stupid of me not to take advantage of this great opportunity to meet people from other countries. However, I don't want to hang around with them only; I don't want to limit myself to Erasmus people. Because I know many students who, at the return from abroad, didn't know anything about the country they had been to, because they spent time with Erasmus students only.
How was your Erasmus exchange? I hope you'll manage to come to lessons every now and then so we will have the chance to talk a bit about it.
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