Hi there!
You've happened into Eva's blog. The picture at the left represents the entrance into the world of mine. And you have just passed under the arch. I hope my "garden" will be a place where you will find fresh air (ideas), a gentle breeze and peace and quiet, so you will always long to come back.
Ok, let's leave for the moment fruit trees and singing of birds, fresh air and peace and let me tell you something about me, more precisely about my decision to become an Erasmus student.
It all started in February. I was sitting on a bench and waiting for the next lesson to start. As I was alone I had enough time to lose myself in thoughts. I was in the 3rd year of Translation at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana and I suddenly felt the need to improve my Italian that was getting worse every day. Although I live in Šempeter, a town at the border between Slovenia and Italy, the chances to practice the language of the neighbouring country were few. So I decided to take action and refresh my knowledge of this language. And here I am, hoping that these 5 months will help me become more fluent and self-confident in Italian.
4 commenti:
Hi Eva!
My name is Eleonora and I am a member of “group G”...First of all, I would like to welcome you to Padua and to our English course!!! :-) As soon as I read your post I decided to write to you because I found your message very interesting...I was an Erasmus student as well (I stayed in Germany for 10 months) so I am always glad to meet someone who is part of this extraordinary experience. I know that at the beginning it is hard to get used to the new environment and to the new university system, so if you need help feel free to ask me... :-)
I really like the way in which you describe your blog...a beautiful garden full of trees and flowers...it really gives the idea of a place where you can relax, dream and forget all your problems! It sounds like a nice invitation, I guess I will be visiting your page quite often.. :-) I also find the layout of your blog original, I hope you had fun in choosing the colors and everything...
I am sure that your Italian will be almost perfect by the end of the year, living abroad is undoubtedly the best way to improve your language skills ;-) I hope you will get the most out of these five months…Believe me, last February you really made one of the best choices of your life!
See you soon!
Hi Eva,
we met last monday in class but we did not have the chance to talk to eachother a lot. But as a peer, I read your blog with plesure. I think you are really creative and in a certain way poetic as well. I liked the metaphor you made comparing a garden with your own world (life). As I could see, you like open-air activities just like me. I'd never picked grapes at a vineyard but I share with you the same wish to stay in contact with nature. Furthermore I believe it is not so bad if you don't like working on computers so much; sometimes nowadays it is really necessary but I know many people who say they could not live without it. What an exaggeration!
I hope you are enjoying your stay here in Italy, I'm quite sure you do. I was an Erasmus student as well and I've never heard of somebody , who did not appreciate this experience yet. I must say I'm quite envious of you (but in a good way), if I could go back time and live that experience again!! Ok let's come down to earth Elisa :)
See you next time in class,
Thanks for the comments! I'm afraid we are not in the same group any more, because Sarah moved me to group J. Anyway, it is not a big problem, we can still talk here. (After the Monday lesson I had to leave quickly because I was desperate to go to the toilet ;))
Maybe I owe you an explanation. In the caption below the picture you can read that I'm not an ordinary Erasmus student. Why not? Because I don't spend the weekends here. Yes, that's right. I go home in fact. You'll probably find it weird. Is not because I was homesick but because the relationship with my boyfriend means the world to me and I want to keep it going. So I decided to go studying to a Uni that was close enough for me to be able to come home. It takes me just 2 hours by train. Well, now that you know, you probably don't envy me that much any more. ;)
See you in class!
Hi Eva!
What a pity that we won’t be in the same group anymore...I was curious to know you better! I’ll visit your blog anyway! I like it very much! Your presentation is really suggestive, and the layout, the colours, the photo you chose make me feel good; your blog is just like a refuge where you can relax and meditate.
On Monday I heard you speaking Italian and I think your Italian is just really good! By the end of your Erasmus stay, you’ll speak it perfectly!:)
See you in class!
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